go from...

shakeable to (un)shakeable

14 (un)conventional principles to reduce sales anxiety and increase sales

"You Are The Gift. This Breakthrough Sales Book Reminds Us That Your Customers Need More Humanity And Less Hustle."

Seth Godin

This Is Marketing

Buyers Are Afraid of Salespeople. 
Salespeople Are Afraid of Salespeople. 
What A Mess.

They fear you'll persuade them into something they don't want. 

Tell someone they can't smoke, and they'll crave cigarettes more. Tell someone they can't have coffee, and they'll desire it even more.

When you push too hard, people tend to back away.
Buyers become more cautious and protective.

So, you search for the silver bullet.

Copying sales experts and using ‘proven scripts to 10X’ your results is a race to the bottom.

Imagine selling the way you'd want someone to sell to you.
Imagine selling in a way that doesn't even feel like selling.

(un)selling means letting go of things you can't control, like other people, and focusing on what you can control—yourself.

The era of coercing people into decisions is over.

There's a better way to sell without selling out.

A Rude Awakening

In 2012, I was on the verge of closing the biggest sale of my life. Or so I thought. But when I accidentally pushed the "mute" button instead of hanging up, I heard the truth. 

The people who were singing my praises thirty seconds before were now trash-talking me like a bunch of schoolyard bullies as they revealed their true intentions: to pump me for information and use it to save a few bucks with another agency. My heart sank as I realized the harsh truth:

I had wasted most of my sales life chasing lies, not leads.

Over the next eight years, I used that lesson as fuel to discover a better way to sell-—without the hustle, grinding, nagging, chasing, and trickery.

Inside this book, I unveil 14 (un)conventional principles that contradict traditional sales training and even your natural instincts.

Using something called the Zero Pressure Sales Sequence, you'll embrace the art of the opposite to make selling more comfortable and predictable.

If this idea intrigues you, I invite you to set out on a journey where selling won't seem like selling at all.

What Are Readers Saying?

“Kevin lived it and he battled hard to fix it. Who better to learn from than someone who’s been there.”
Benjamin Dennehy
The UK’s Most Hated Sales Trainer, England
“This book is a simple, no-nonsense path forward to selling without ever feeling salesy.”
Pete Durand
CEO, Entrepreneur, and Host of the Eating Crow Podcast
“One of the best sales books I’ve ever read. Full of wisdom you can apply in real-time to your business immediately.” 
David Rolls
The DRE Podcast I Founder of Jobleads.io, England
"Kevin’s book will resonate with millions of  small business owners who feel anxious about the thought of selling. A no-nonsense path forward to sell without selling yourself out."
Justin Michael
Two-Time Best Selling Author of Sales Superpowers and JMM Method 2.0, Los Angeles, California



Kevin is known for taking a no-nonsense approach to sales and marketing and has been named one of the Top 50 CEOs in Atlantic Canada. He was also named Progress Magazine’s “Marketer of the Year,” and won the prestigious Paul Harris Fellowship Award for his charity work for Rotary International. 

Just as selling is uncomfortable for so many entrepreneurs, Kevin continues to push himself outside his own comfort zone, including getting kissed and mauled by Richard Simmons to raise $300,000 for Breast Cancer and deciding to rappel from a building to help raise money for Special Olympians. 

Kevin has been an entrepreneur for over 23 years. He is the co-founder of The IDEA Factory, which started in a basement in 2001 and grew to $6 million. 

Today, he is the co-owner of one of the region’s largest B2B insurance brokers, and in under seven years, the value of the brokerage has increased by $20 million. 

Kevin is always reminding people that he didn’t go to Harvard or Stanford and is quite proud that he graduated with a blistering 67% average from the Faculty of Business at Memorial University of Newfoundland, which proves that education should never be confused with success. 

He isn’t a book writer, he’s an everyday entrepreneur. And yes, he still sells.
Every. Single. Day. 
Wanna hang out with Kevin every Sunday (for 6 minutes)?

With thousands of avid followers, Kevin shares his expertise through his "Fix in Six" video series. Every Sunday, he offers a single, practical, and actionable (un)selling tip, conveniently delivered to your inbox, completely free. You can sign up for his Fix in Six series by clicking HERE.